Gcode tools ver 1.0.0
1.,2. Output Filename and directory. If output directory contains 'header' and/or 'footer' file they will be used as header and footer for resulting Gcode.
Attention! you must specify directory in which you have rights to write! (For example my home directory '/home/nick/')
3. Z coordinate definitions.
- Z safe - Z value of the safe distance used by G00 code to travel between different contours.
- Z surface - Z value of the material surface
- Z depth - depth of cutting
- Z step for each cycle - Z step for multi-pass cutting
4. Unit selection. Inkscape's internal unit is px, all contours will be converted using px. This selection just put in Gcode G20 or G21 code. So if path has width equal 10 px and mm selected as unit result will be has width 10 mm, if in selected then result will be 10".
5. Tool diameter is used for area cutting.
6. Maximum area cutting curves is used to prevent infinite loop while computing area cutting.
Area "inkscape:radius" is used for computing area cutting curves using Incscape offset.
7. Function selection
- Curve to Gcode - converts paths to Gcode
- Area to Gcode - It's a quite slow method of computing Area cutting curves. Complexity of the algorithm is O(n^2) where n is the number of points. I would not recommend to use it with complex contours with more than 50 points.
- Prepare Area using Inkscape - Creates a number of inkscape offset's which covers Path's area. This function can be applyed only to Inkscape Dynamic Offsets (Select path then Path -> Dynamyc Offset).
8. Minimum arc radius
Important!. Defines minimal value or G02 and G03 arc radius. If the radius is realy small (less than 0.1 mm) EMC can raise "Zerro arc radius!" exception.
Attention! Default value = '0.05'. In some locales fraction delimiter differs to '.', if so Inkscape will consider '0.05' as '0'!
9. Scaling and offset values for X Y Z axis.
Be careful with that: if you define different values to X and Y scale G02 and G03 codes will be wrong and EMC will definitely raise an exception.
Usage Example
This picture shows main features of this plug-in:

- Gcode tools plug-in tutorial (2600*1300 px png ~ 700Kb)
Gcode from the example:
- gnu.ngc
- (27.14 КБ) 23949 скачиваний